Thursday, June 4, 2009

Collage fun!

With so many inspiring pictures, quotations and people out there, I wanted a way to bring some of my favorites together for me to admire, refer to and just have on hand. Mostly I wanted to look at all the wonderful projects that other women do on the many blogs I try to read. So I decided to create a scrapbook of things I liked. I don't have much in it yet. But it's exciting to have started it. Yesterday Ian and I sat down during Cai's morning nap to work on collages. I have been saving my Mothering and Parentings magazines for him. I just recently got a pair of child scissors and now feel I can let him cut paper (since now he has his own scissors). He pick out his magazine and happily went away cuttng bits and pieces. Of course most of the time its ripping. Every once in awhile he gets the scissors to work for him and has a nice cut. I've trying showing him how to hold the scissors, but I think its just something he will have to figure out himself with time. For me, I took pages from Mothering's March-April 09 issue that I saved. There was a wonderful article on "Crafty Mamas." Not only was the article itself good, the pictures were lovely. So while Ian worked on his collage, I worked on mine. By the way, Ian is now in love with cutting with scissors. My lounge chair is currently covered with magazine scraps he has cut up. :) I've been trying to get him to add them to his collage. We'll see what happens.
Here is Ian's beautiful work. And the first page for my inspiration scrapbook.

For the perfectionist in me, I was mostly pleased with the way mine came out. It was so nice to do something creative though. What fun art have you worked on recently?

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