Monday, July 11, 2011

Menu Plan Monday- July 11th

Wow time just keeps flying past. And part of me longs for it to slow down, while the other is just waiting for nap/night to come so that I might have a few minutes to breathe without children under foot. We seem to live for weekends, the time when Mark is home and I have extra hands and more importantly eyes to watch over boys. While last summer I looked forward to Aiden being just alittle older and able to play with his brothers, I now miss the time of being able to put him in the sling and carry him everywhere without his disapproval. He may be able to play with his brothers but he is also everywhere and anywhere and I don't seem to have enough eyes to keep him out of trouble sometimes. He certainly keeps me on my toes. :)

Our mama duck's eggs hatched and they have moved on. We missed seeing the ducklings, as by the time we realized they were gone all that was left were the egg shells and a path through the vines they walked through. :( The boys still go over and look. I'm sorry we missed seeing the ducklings.

So on to my menu for the week. Here we go:

Monday: Chili- cause I have so many beans and it's been raining
Tuesday: Zucchini and spaghetti
Wednesday: Baked chicken,  oven roasted potatoes, and veggies
Thursday: Chicken stir-fry (assuming we have leftover chicken)

For more menu and recipes check out Organizing Junkie.
 Happy Monday everyone!

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