Monday, September 12, 2011

Menu Plan Monday- Sept 12th

Hey it's Monday and I'm posting. That has got to be an improvement. Now if I could only organize me thoughts and time to sit down and wrote a non-menu post. :) I'm working on it people. Really I am. We have so much to share about what we are doing with our house. And progress is being made, even if it's slower than we hoped. I didn't end up cooking last Friday. I went out with some girl-friends and had sushi! I love sushi. Plus I got a pedicure. I have pretty coral toes now. It was a well needed night out and I had a great time. Ok on to the menu. I'll hopefully post again in the next couple of days.

Monday: Tortilla Casserole (from the 2011 Shalom Mennonite Church Cookbook)
Tuesday: Chicken Stir-Fry (from Simply in Season)
Wednesday: Salsa chicken over rice, with side veggie
Thursday: Chili with  GF bread (maybe cornbread?)
Friday- Sunday: I'm off cooking duty :)

For more menus, ideas and even a few recipes head over to Organizing Junkie.


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