Once again I'm late posting our menu plan. Last week I never did get it up. Although I did have our meals planned out. I now have around 8 to 10 meals in my freezer. One thanks to the wife of Mark's coworker. She sent a box with soup, two loafs of bread, cookies, homemade applesauce and jam. I'm so thankful for this. We froze the soup and one of the loafs. The applesauce and jam our in the pantry. And we have been enjoying the other loaf of bread and cookies :). I've been trying to make soups and casseroles (or other dishes that serve lots) in order to freeze half of it. Mark and I were talking last night and we figure we will be good for meals for at last a month if not more. Between what I've frozen, family being around to help cook, and meals from both our church and my La Leche League group, I don't think I'll have to cook for awhile once baby is here!
Update on baby. I'm having braxten hicks contractions every day now. Usually more in the evenings, but the last couple of days in the mornings and afternoon as well. Today at my appointment my doctor said I could potentially go into labor anyday. And being 38 weeks that's ok by me. I'm just hoping to hold out until after tonight. Mark and I are going to
Wicked tonight in Wichita! I'm so excited. I love this musical. :)
Ok here is the menu for this week.
Tuesday: Four-layer Casserole
Wednesday: Church meal at mom's church (Mom is babysitting tonight)
Thursday: Super Six-layer Casserole
Friday: Black bean and Sweet Potato Burritos
Saturday: Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry
Sunday: Breakfast dinner
Go visit
Organizing Junkie for more dinner ideas. :)