Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cai's first stitches (or rather glue)

Well I knew that eventually we would get here. With three active boys, there was not way to get around the eventual deep scrap or cut. I was just hoping for a few more years before this kind of scare happened. Today while out shopping, Cai had a fight with a door and lost. We were headed into Once Upon a Child (a great kids consignment shop) and when I opened the door Cai ran right into it. He falls back and the next thing I know he is bleeding considerably. They always say head injuries bleed alot. I was so scared. Luckily everyone at the store was very helpful. A nice woman held Aiden for me (and Aiden didn't fuss). Someone got me paper towels to help stop the bleeding. And after I got a band-aid on I got everyone into the car and drove to the doctors. Turns out that it wasn't too deep. The doctor ended up using glue because it's easier with kids (no needles and such). Cai was so brave. He laid still the entire time. Although he did cry, he let the doctor and nurse work. Now that we are home and all calmed down, I'm glad to say I have survived this first of I'm sure many cuts and scraps. I can only hope our other emergency doctor trips will go as smoothly.

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